National Political Index


4. Contacting Federal Candidates (38)

We assemble the latest research for you and yours - free.

  1. ElectNet: Federal Election Watch by State

    Lamar Alexander

  2. Lamar Alexander (Official)

    Harry Browne

  3. Harry Browne for President
  4. Harry Browne for President (Unofficial)
  5. "The Breakdown of Government," by Harry Browne

    Patrick Buchanan

  6. Patrick Buchanan Internet Campaign Headquarters (official)
  7. The Pat Buchanan For President Link (Unofficial)


  8. Campaign to Help Elect Fidel (unofficial)

    Charles Collins

  9. Charles Collins (official)

    Bob Dole

  10. Bob Dole Home Page (Unofficial)

    Steve Forbes

  11. Steve Forbes for President (official)

    Phil Gramm

  12. David Sussman's Unofficial Gramm for President Home Page
  13. Phil Gramm for President Home Page (Official)
  14. Richard Kurtz's Gramm for President home page

    John Hagelin

  15. John Hagelin (official)

    Bill Hartwell

  16. Bill Hartwell (official)

    Russell Hirshon

  17. Russell Hirshon for President (official)

    Alan Keyes

  18. Alan Keyes for President '96 (Unofficial)
  19. Alan Keyes Network (unofficial)

    Richard Lugar

  20. Richard Lugar for President (official)

    Pat Paulsen

  21. Pat Paulsen for President (unofficial)


  22. Draft Powell for President Committee (official)

    Irwin Schiff

  23. Irwin Schiff for President (official)

    Tom Shellenberg

  24. Tom Shellenberg for President (official)

    Arlen Specter

  25. Senator Arlen Specter for President (official)

    Morry Taylor

  26. Morry Taylor (official)

    Rick Tompkins

  27. Rick Tompkins (official)

    Congressional Candidates

  28. W. Earl Allen, Libertarian candidate for Congress, Colorado
  29. Tyrone Butler for Congress 1996 (NY)
  30. Dick Durbin (D), Illinois
  31. Jerry Estruth for Congress (D), California, 15th district
  32. Jon Newton, Republican candidate for Congress from Texas, 4th Congressional District
  33. Kennedy for Senate
  34. Clint Krislov for U.S. Senate, Illinois
  35. Bob Kustra for U.S. Senate, Illinois
  36. Robin Miller, Libertarian candidate for U.S. Senate, Illinois
  37. Jim Miller, Republican candidate for Senate (VA)
  38. Wayne Smart, independent candidate for U.S. Senate, Colorado

Index 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
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